Tuesday, January 12, 2010

winter's cold is too much to handle

Joselyn is no longer with us.
Her brother Joshua was thrown in the snow by some other kids and then kicked. He told his grandma, who cannot pick them up every day to make sure this does not happen. the only trouble is, as soon as the kids leave after starfish, they only want to fight each other.
Today I told one girl it was time to go home.

"no, now's the time to kick snow on each other and fight!"

yeah, no I'm cool with that. I love playing in the snow. Sometimes snowball fights break out, whatever. But you don't cross that line to the point where a kid is crying and you're still kicking him.

And as soon as they leave the school grounds, there's not technically anything we can do but watch.

Some kids still cheer me up though. And I'm making a difference, I guess.

Yesterday I was walking home from a friend's house, and crossing the street I heard a car screech and then a different noise. I turned around and saw one stopped car, and assumed it was a fender bender. I laughed a little at people's inattentiveness, and turned back around.

Then I realized there only one car.

I turned back around and ran over to find a woman down on the ground. I asked if she was okay, to check for consciousness and whatnot. She was responsive and awake. A magical EMT came out of no where and off of the job. She told me she was and EMT and could handle it. Another man had called nine one one so I waited with them for the ambulance and carried on my way.

I called my parents because I had lots of adrenaline going and needed to talk to someone.

Also, they're pretty cool.

1 comment:

  1. Ben,

    every time I see you have a new blog post, I become excited, stop what im doing, and read. and they never disappoint. Thanks for the blogging

